Anka Makine combines experience and cutting-edge technology into added-value solutions for its customers
Anka Makine spray drying plants incorporate a number of special design features including atomizers as well as the Anka Makine Controlled Flow Nozzle for easy start-up and shut-down, short off-spec period, controlled particle size and easy process control.
We offer traditional open-cycle systems in single stage or multi-stage modes Closed cycle systems applying either inert gas, Low-Ox or super-heated steam configuration More than 20 different chamber designs including conical bottom, flat bottom, Tall Form, Uniflow and High Body
Anka Makine spray drying plants are available in a wide range of sizes and configurations providing:
Uniform quality
Complete control of moisture content, particle structure, particle size distribution, solubility, and wettability, and retention of natural aromas and flavours.
Unbeatable performance/cost ratio
Energy efficient components, continuous and rapid drying, ease of operation and process automation provide complete control over yield and costs.
Customizable plant design based on many years of experience in a wide range of applications is your assurance of complete compliance with your individual requirements.
Long service life
Top-quality, reliable components, efficient and straightforward CIP and expert engineering increase service life and availability for maximum performance
Automated process control enables end-to-end traceability in compliance with current food standards and regulations