Advanced Process Solutions - Anka Makine

Anka Makine

Our company is a leading manufacturer of machinery, plants and complete processing lines for various industrial sectors, and one of the largest suppliers of technology for the food processing industry and for a wide range of other process industries.

Our equipment, from single components for dairy machines to entire production lines, comprises of custom-made expert work and complies with the latest European directives.

ANKA MAKINE is a recognized industry system design leader for everything from milk, (milk powder, sweetened condensed milk, whey, ice-cream, cheese, butter, yoghurt, curds, kefir and others) whey, egg, flavours, starch and starch derivative (fructose, crystal fructose, maltodextrin) and other liquid flow processing and heat-treatment systems, concentration, separation, standardization and related processes. Our company designs and manufactures equipment for drying, concentrating, cooling, and related process equipment at its manufacturing facilities. We guarantee the performance of our equipment such as dryers, evaporators, coolers, screeners, atomizers, mixers, reactors and tanks.


Why Choose Us?

  • Our best-of-breed IT solutions will drive efficiency and change
  • Refine your data for better-informed decision making
  • Get ultra-fast business-class connectivity and internet solutions
  • Protect your business with our leading business continuity solutions


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